Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am a practising Visual Artist- Researcher - Activist & Mum x3.

I graduated from Southern Cross University, Lismore in 2008.

Through my art practise, I wish to bring awareness to Parental Alienation & The Family Court System.

The Family Court of Australia is a custodial legal system where supposedly, the interest of the Child is paramount. Instead it has been my experience, that this system facilitates the process of Parental Alienation. Zealous advocacy & The Family Courts painstakingly slow process have actually damaged my familial relations. I was alienated from all three of my children due to my ex-husband making false & malicious child sex abuse & domestic violence allegations in Court. He did this to obtain valuable time to set in motion the insidious parental alienation process, which turns Children against their own Family. He was able to execute this insidious practise in the perjury free arena of our Family Court. This has created a situation of profound grief, suffering and a disturbingly divided family remain.

I wish the Family Court would take a stand on parent's who use parental alienation tactics.

1 comment:

  1. What a journey it must be. I can only try to imagine the pain and frustration you must endure while waiting for changes to the system that allow such attrocities and fabricated lies to ever exist in our society.
    Your patience and determination reflect a person of substance,Truthg and Justice will prevail and your work towards change in our court system will help many people in the future. Change that will bring about removing avenues of using unfounded claims to exact revenge on an ex partner at the exspense of children.
    Keep up the good work.
